typically only if it's permanent.
May 30th 2014Rates:
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5 Good Reasons for Investing in Vacant LandOne good thing about investing in vacant land is: the land just sits there. This type of real estate investment is one of the simplest in the industry. It generally comes with much less problems than any other property ownership around these days. 5 Reasons Why It's Wise to Invest in Vacant Land1) Low-to-No MaintenanceVacant land requires virtually no maintenance. The property doesn't need anything from you... no permits, no construction, no renovations. There's no rehab experience needed. All you need to know about the land is one thing: Is it suitable for development by you or someone else at some point?2) Profitable PricesBy default, all owners of vacant land are absentee owners. They don't live on the property, or have any type of emotional attachment to it. Most are motivated to sell, since it's not making them any type of profit. So, it's possible to buy vacant land at "pennies on the dollar."3) No CompetitionInvesting in residential and commercial property tends to come with pretty stiff competition. However, this isn't the case with vacant land. Most investors have no understanding of the lucrative benefits that come with land ownership. Use this to your advantage.4) Seller FinancingSeller financing and vacant land make an awesome mix. Banks and lenders are generally hesitant to approve financing on undeveloped land. Offering seller financing on land you own allows you to charge an interest rate that's "higher-than-market rate." And, since easy financing is so hard to come by nowadays, seller financing is a sure winner. This is also a very effective way to create passive income for yourself.5) No New Land is Being CreatedMost investors don't think about this important point. No one's making new land. It's not possible. Therefore, because there's limited quantities of vacant land available, it's a tremendously valuable resource. And, land sitting in the pathway of development or growth is one of the most trouble-free, lucrative pieces of property you can own. Savvy investors would "kill" to get their hands on this type of land.Investing in Vacant Land in Ontario, CanadaVacant land in Ontario can graduate from unwanted to desirable with the blink of an eye. The cause can be related to lucrative shifts, such as the development of CN Tower, Centreville Amusement Park, Casa Loma Castle or Black Creek Pioneer Village. Or, it can simply be the perfect parcel of land for a developer's future project. Either way, you own it. So, you'll be the one to profit from your vacant land investment in the end.
May 30th 2014

How long is she guaranteed the income?
Jun 2nd 2014