Yes an ARM loan may be a good fit for you, as long as you can sell the home easily after your contract is up. Use a longer fixed period than the time of your contract, just in case you cannot get out of the property, you will have more time with a fixed payment to budget.
Jul 1st 2014Rates:
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Hello, Kyana.Thanks for the question. The term 'Hybrid' usually refers to an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM), which is a lower rate than a completely fixed rate loan for a specific period of time, such as 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. The longer the term of the fixed period, the closer the ARM rate will be to to a 30 year fixed loan.If your husband has his VA eligibility, the VA 'Hybrid' ARMS are a great choice if you are only going to be there for a few years.Hope this helps.Pat McCarthy614-310-7520
Jul 1st 2014Only comment I could add: Rates are scenario specific. Be sure to ask about the 30 yr rate or, depending on the size of home loan, ask about a 15 yr fixed rate too. Depending on your exact situation, you might find the rates may be similar yet you have the security of a fixed rate in the event his orders change or if you decide to stay. Best of luck and Thank you both for your service!
Jul 1st 2014