If your husband qualifies for VA, that might be a better option than a conventional loan, depending on his credit situation. Unless it's a Homepath loan, a conventional loan would have MI unless it's lender paid. If you would like to discuss further please give me a call (931) 551-8999.
Oct 13th 2014Rates:
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9 times out of 10 a VA loan is going to be better than a Conventional loan. If your husband is declared 10% or more disabled through the VA than he is exempt from their Funding Fee altogether and would make VA a no brainer but if he is not the only way that this would make sense to go conventional is if you have 20% down payment and a 740+ credit score, otherwise VA is the best option no mortgage insurance and up to 100% financing and fixed rates are going to be better on VA than Conventional as well. Feel free to shoot me an email or give me a ring with any additional questions. Our office is just outside Fort Knox so the majority of my clients are Vets or current military professionals and I help them weigh out these scenarios everyday.
Oct 13th 2014