There is no Self Employed Loan so to speak. You will need to provide your 2012 & 2013 Federal Tax Returns along with a Year to Date Profit & Loss to confirm your income. Your 2011 Tax Return would also be useful particularly if you can show rising incomes. Depending on your setup, there may be certain expenses that can be "added back" to income such as depreciation and amortization along with any 1 Time Charges. Each lender may have different guidelines, but you can really be considering any loan program offered today. Good Luck!
Jul 24th 2014Rates:
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We have many programs available for Self Employed borrowers, and I would be more than happy to explore all your options with you. Give me a call! 702-522-6745 Nathan Kessler City First Mortgage Services NMLS 377217
Jul 24th 2014